Al Ain Wadi Adventures

Saddling up in the pond for the main channel with
the conveyor belt to to top of the channel behind me

My old Army mates, Dan and Cam, needed a little bit of R and R from the challenges of life in Dubai.  So a trip to Wadi Adventures seemed like a great boy's day out given that our families had absconded to cooler climes. We started with an hour of surfing in the wave pool with the intermediate wave which is an A Frame. This means we were able to have multiple surfers on the wave where "one guy can break right, one's left simultaneous"  (just like Apocalypse Now but without helicopters, mortar fire and napalm). Unfortunately, I don't have any photos as no one wanted to miss a wave to get the camera. Thank goodness it was only an hour as, with 90 seconds between waves, my arms were very heavy by the end of the session.  

The photos show the middle third of the main channel. Plenty of angles
and crossing currents

We were in the wave pool from 9 am to 10 am  and the first of the rafters were due to arrive at 10.45 am.  The 45 minutes gave me some time to recover but it is also cheaper to wait and piggy back on the water paid for by rafting groups. While Dan and Cam rested their arms, I reacquainted myself with my play boat in the moderate channels which contain some nice play waves. I then strapped into my old Dagger CFS for the main channel.

The main hole on the mid section...

It is always good to work on your skills and the main channel keeps the mind focused.  This is good training as I have my eye on a Tons River trip in Uttarakhand in Northern India once I am through with my busy period at work.  The main channel has plenty of crossing currents and waves at odd angles to trip you up. This is combined with a shallow channel bed that is ready to punish you and your head if you make mistakes. With the pressure of Cam and a camera I was determined to put on a reasonable show.

.... and plenty of rapids to come down stream

After a good session, I joined Dan and Cam in the wave pool which Wadi Adventures sets up for a close out wave.  This is aimed at the recreational swimmers but if you are in the right spot it sets up for a great body surf.  After 45 minutes of body surfing we were physically shattered but mentally relaxed for our return to racing rats in Dubai..

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