
Showing posts from May, 2014

Superfoods in India

Writing  a post about super foods in India is like talking in the native tongue...there are 22 official languages and almost 400 living languages!  But there are certain foods that are becoming more readily available and are not cost prohibitive that are worthy of special mention. A superfood has to be nutrient dense, readily (seasonably)  available, cleanly produced and singular...not a combination it can be eaten on its own, on the run, or added to other foods to create a healthier choice. I love the idea of super foods and I know Ayurvedic principals have hundreds of ancient and nature available foods and food combinations that sit within the western understanding of super foods. For BREAKFAST right now one cannot go past a Spray Free Alphonso Mango.  Finding Organic in India, truly organic, is not easy, but there are many farmers and co-operatives that manage chemical free orchards so at least choose Spray Free.  Mango's originated in the sub Himalayan plai

Long Way From Home

It is easy to feel out of place in India.  Compared to life in Australia there are a far greater number of differences than similarities.  I know fella's, its hard to sleep in Mumbai with all that noise I was riding the Vespa home one night when I turned a corner and I thought I saw two Emus in a temporary cage in Khar fishing village. I rode on a little to try to convince myself that my eyes were deceiving me.  I then turn around and sure enough there were two juvenile Emu's in a temporary bamboo cage on a busy street on the edge of a slum in Mumbai. I hope they didn't end up a main course at a wedding feast I passed by the the next day and took a better photo, noting to myself that I should call the Consulate to check the legality of owning protected Australian species in India. However, by Monday they were gone and only the cages remained. I am sure the Emu's felt more out of place than I do.