Yoga Teacher training - Pilgrimage from Rishikesh

21st March 2014

4.30am wake up and 5am on the road, into a typical Himalayan Jeep, 9 of us squished in just beyond comfort for the winding drive up to 1300metres for first light at my spiritual name sake, Ambikas temple.  Honouring Shakti, this temple is popular with tourists and pilgrims alike.  Situated in one of the 52 ey lines holding the energies of Shakti from the earth and skies.

We passed some fabulous road signs as we made our way to the temple. Such as " Road is hilly, don't be silly" and "Gentle on the Curves" apt as we approached the Divine Feminine! And another new favourite, "Licence to drive, not fly."

An hours drive from Rishikesh, a quick stop for chai for some and a gentle walk up 180 steps passed mantras to open pathways to the divine feminine acknowledging memory, creativity, resilience and many, many more aspects of the Divine Feminine.
Morning Chai Time

The Temple was awaiting us as the other two small tourist groups were more interested in sunrise. We had a small, lovely private Puja, many blessings and then a delightful time watching the sun rays bathe the Himalayan snow capped peaks in the distance.

Our offertory with the Himalayan Sunrise in the background.

The walk down was even more inspiring as we met Shasti, Ishat and their friend, three young children taking  offertory to the Goddess.  So innocent, no request for rupees, and happy to pose for photos and chase after us smiling all the while.

These three children were going to Temple as we left, taking a basket of fruits and flowers for the gods.  

And then she ran after us, wanting more goodbyes!

Breakfast back at the hotel, some serious car sickness relieved and we were on our way again.  This time in the other direction, aptly so, as we headed for Shiva's temple high on the hills above the Ganga. Again an hour but a little easier on the system as we had some car sickness tablets and wonderful views of the rapids on the river.

This was the first site at the Temple, an Arborist at work, at least ten metres up the tree, maybe more, doing a spot of pruning.

Shivas Puja Plate was a little different to others I had seen.

A local Nath Yogi.  

Deep fried potato sandwiches for breakfast anyone?

No other tourists this time, just locals, and lots of them, taking beautiful offertory to Lord Shiva.  We spent time initially in the Fire temple.  Anointed with the ashes and even some on the tongue for healing.

We went through the main temple with people in the queue shouting adulation to Lord Shiva, Jai Ho!  Which I knew from a very popular hindi movie by the same name...Victory!

Another smaller site all to ourselves was next.  Copies of the twelve Jyotir lingam that are situated all around India were represented in this quiet space.
A Shiva Linga.

A pilgrimage not yet complete as we head this afternoon now to the shores of a quieter part of the Ganga.

I guess that is why we are having our yoga teacher training in rishikesh.  Not for the spiritual supermarket shopping of the masses but for the very special sites that connect the webs of Hatha yoga and our journey as Yogi's.  

More Road Signs from Todays Trip....

Those that are in a hurry have all gone
Speed is a knife that cuts life
Better to be mister late than to be late mister
Accidents bring tears safety brings cheers
Safety on the road safe tea at home

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