
Showing posts from March, 2014

Yoga Teacher Training - Pilgrimage Vasishista Cave

Yesterday we had another day off.  Not sure how a day off with  a 6 am  start works but that was how it was.  We left  at 6 am  for Vasishta Guha ( cave), the caves locally famous for being the site of where a Rishi meditated.  Rishi's are ancient Sages, and Vashishta is one of seven most revered and known Hindu Sages.  An Ashram is located at the site and the glimpse into the reverent life of the inhabitants on the edges of the Ganga was a lovely way to start our day. There were a lot of rules. A view from the cave over the Ganga. On the Way back our teacher, Prasad, saw a man bicycling, we stopped, he talked to him and offered him some support. The man was on a well known pilgrimage route having travelled already far from his home in Maharashtra, our home state, to Rishikesh. He was to visit four holy places spread across all of India.  Him, his bike and the donations of food and money from others who understand his Bhakti (devotion). He to

Running in Mumbai

One of the great benefits of living in India is time.  Maria our maid and Mansoor combined with living in a rented apartment give us the gift of time.  Back in Australia, much of my weekends would be taken up with transporting kids, contributing to the household chores and maintaining the house and garden.  In India, I have none of those responsibilities, it is effectively outsourced. With this gift, I now have the time to do the things I like to do.  For example, I have learnt to play the guitar, I blog but I also get to run.  I know, I can run long distances at home too but, by the time I have finished, I don't normally have the energy or inclination to do battle with the lawn mower or sand the weather boards of the house in preparation for painting. Now Mumbai is not the best place to run long distances.  The roads are chaotic, some areas have a smell "that will out last religion", it is hot and humid and the air quality during running season is sometimes akin to

Rock Climbing in Oman and Why Sleeping in Wadi's Is a Bad Idea

Our campsite in "Windy" Wadi which is a tributary to Wadi Daykah I had been keen to get out of Mumbai for a climb for some time and the Holi festival long weekend provided the ideal opportunity.  I had been researching the climbing scene in Oman which, despite what seems like a small expatriate climbing population, was very well resourced with high quality free PDF Guides, some interesting crags and a Government sponsored bolting fund! A pool just near the campsite with the aqua duct just above the water The dates for the climbing trip coincided with school holidays for the American School in Mumbai and, as most of my climbing partners are teachers, the long weekend conflicted with established plans travel plans.  One of the teachers, Thomas, had the weekend available. From my perspective, Kate was in Rishikesh for a month undertaking her 500 hours senior yoga teacher training so I had to plan for my daughters, Ada and Lucy.  Now Lucy was never

Yoga Teacher training - Pilgrimage from Rishikesh

21st March 2014 4.30am wake up and 5am on the road, into a typical Himalayan Jeep, 9 of us squished in just beyond comfort for the winding drive up to 1300metres for first light at my spiritual name sake, Ambikas temple.  Honouring Shakti, this temple is popular with tourists and pilgrims alike.  Situated in one of the 52 ey lines holding the energies of Shakti from the earth and skies. We passed some fabulous road signs as we made our way to the temple. Such as " Road is hilly, don't be silly" and "Gentle on the Curves" apt as we approached the Divine Feminine! And another new favourite, "Licence to drive, not fly." An hours drive from Rishikesh, a quick stop for chai for some and a gentle walk up 180 steps passed mantras to open pathways to the divine feminine acknowledging memory, creativity, resilience and many, many more aspects of the Divine Feminine. Morning Chai Time The Temple was awaiting us as the other two small tourist g