Altitude Training

One of the amazing aspects of life in Mumbai is the accessibility of many things that in Australia would be not available or prohibitively expensive.

I recently discover a number of altitude training facilities which you can use for around $15 per hour session. In the training room the oxygen levels is lowered to around 13% which equates to around 4,000 metres altitude when compared to 20% at sea level. The room is equipped with a spin bike, treadmill, elliptical trainer, power plate and some weight and weight machines.

The lower oxygen levels give you the benefit of training at altitude which in some people stimulates your kidneys to produce EPO which increases red blood cells.  This is the normal acclimatization response to altitude.

I am planning to go to Kashmir for a few days skiing at the end of the year but one of the challenges of skiing at 4,000 metres is that, for me, more time is spent panting for breath in the first day and a half than is spent skiing.  I plan on using the altitude training facility to pre-acclimatize in order to enjoy my short time in Gulamrg a little more.

To add a little science, I will get an EPO test now, after 12 training sessions before I go and on my return from Gulmarg to check my red blood cell levels.

I will update how it progresses.

Session 1 10 Dec 2013
Workout 20 min treadmill 1% grade 11.5kmph 12 min elliptical some resistance training
Starting Heart Rate 42 bpm at 95% oxygen saturation
Max Heart Rate 150 bpm at 88% oxygen saturation.
Min oxygen saturation 84% after 6 min before recovering to 88%

Session 2 12 Dec 2013
Workout 45 min spin bike using Sufferfest Angels climbing workout minus warm up
Starting Heart Rate 43 bpm at 95% oxygen saturation
Max Heart Rate 194 bpm at 76% oxygen saturation normally at same perceived effort at same point of workout 174 bpm. They say at low 80s Oxygen saturation you may feel faint but I felt ok.
Min oxygen saturation 66% after during recovery between hills when heart rate dropped to 110-120 BPM

Session 4 13 Dec 2013
Stationary bike for 45 min with Sufferfest Angels workout minus warm up

Session 5 17 Dec 2013
Treadmill first 20 min ath 12kmph Heart Rate Rose to 150 BPM oxygenation at 87%. Next 20 min at 11.5kmph held heart rate at 150 oxygenation level at 87%. Last 5 min at 12 kmph. Worked out that the pulse oximeter doesn't read correctly when held close to the spin bike display panel.

Session 6 19 Dec 2013
Stationary bike for 50 min with Sufferfest Blender selected sections.

Outside Run 22 Dec 2013
Run from Olive to Trident at Narmine Point.  Fastest time ever to Haji Ali at 15 km mark at 68min.  Felt good did the 24 .4 km in 113 min.

Session 7 23 Dec 2013
Stationary bike for 50 min with Sufferfest Blender selected sections.

Session 8 26 Dec 2013
Treadmill for 55  first 25 min at 12kmph Heart Rate Rose to 158 BPM oxygenation at approx 88- 89%. Next 20 min at 11.7kmph held heart rate at 155 oxyenation level at 87%. Last 5 min at 12 kmph

Session 9 28 Dec 2013
Stationary bike for 45 min with Sufferfest Angels workout minus warm up

Session 10 4 Jan 2014
Treadmill for 50  first 25 min at 12kmph Heart Rate Rose to 159 BPM oxygenation at approx 88- 89%. Next 20 min at 11.7kmph held heart rate at 155 oxyenation level at 87%. Last 5 min at 12 kmph

Outside Run 5 Jan 2014
Run from Home to Trident at Narmine Point.  Fastest time ever to Haji Ali at 15 km mark at 66min.  Did the 26 .16 km in 124 min but legs blew out over last 7km CV capacity felt strong.

Session 11 8 Jan 2014
Legs were sore 47 min on Elliptical trainer het heart rate at 135-141 BPM and oxygenation levels at 88-91%.

Session 12 15 Jan 2014
Treadmill for 50  first 27 min at 12kmph Heart Rate Rose to 151 BPM oxygenation at approx 88- 89%. Next 23 min at 11.7 kmph held heart rate at 155 oxygenation level at 89-90%.

Session 13 18 Jan 2014
Stationary bike for 45 min with Sufferfest Angels workout minus warm up.

Session 14 21 Jan 2014
Elliptical trainer for 50 min at average 210 watts with heart rate steadily rising from 130 BPM at 93-94% oxygenation to 150 BPM at 89-90% oxygenation over the 50 min

Session 15 22 Jan 2014
Elliptical trainer for 30 min at average 225 watts with heart rate steadily rising from 130 BPM at 93-94% oxygenation to 156 BPM at 88-89% oxygenation over the 30 min

Off to Kashmir tomorrow so I will get  a real feel for the effectiveness of the training.  What I can say at this point is that I have recorded PBs while running fewer kilometres at lower speeds than previous training efforts.

We I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the hypoxic training has significantly improved my performance on Day 1 in Kashmir skiing from 4,000 metres to 3,000 metres.  Normally  I have a mild headache but no hint of a headache and I was able to ski much further without stopping to regain my breath.  For me it is an unequivocal success!

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