Running in Bodrum and Kos
I had spent some time working out the best way to get from Dublin to Kalymnos and, despite Ireland being the home of Ryan Air, the best route was via Istanbul to Bodrum with Turkish Airlines arriving at 3am at my hotel. This gave me the next morning to engage in "power tourism' as I needed to be on the 4.15 pm ferry to Kos. Bodrum from the Castle with the Theatre of Halicarnassus on the hill in the background I decided to orientate myself by getting out for a run via the major sites and, of course, "collect" the route in Runkeeper. A nice 7 km loop saw me pick up the harbour foreshore, the 5th century BC Theatre of Halicarnassus which is dug high into the hillside, the ruins of the Tomb of Mausolos and Bodrum Castle. I decided that the Castle and the Maussoleum warranted further investigation as, even though the Theatre was spectacular I saw all there was to see in my run by and iPhone photos. Not much left of one of the 7 Wonders ...