Time for an update

Hi Family and Friends,

Given that between us all we have been in at least four countries (other than Germany) since our last update it is time to blog!

Firstly, my how things change with the seasons here. It seems in the blink of an eye it is getting dark at 10.30pm and light at 4.30pm and it is still four weeks until Summer Solstice! This of course heralds in a beautiful sea of greenery and flowers, particularly Lilac Bushes, everywhere it seems and of course the scents of the Lilac and the many Linden Trees too just fill the air.

Spring also demonstrates the early signs of one other pastime that seems to grip people who live near our lakes - early morning nude bathing. Lizzie and I are still recovering from yesterdays eyeful, I mean walk!

The volcano bought blessings to Chris who instead of going to New York for a meeting ended up fulfilling a dream, skiing the Haute Route, between Chamonix and Zermatt. A five day, vigorous, rigorous ski touring trip in almost picture perfect weather and without the overhead sounds and sights of planes thanks to the Volcano in Iceland.

Next it was Lucy's turn to shine with weeks and weekends of rehearsals for the schools performance of Music Mania paying off in two fun packed musical extravaganza performances. We loved seeing her on stage again and hearing her wonderful solos. Ada made sure that the school director, who was sitting behind her, knew who she was, several times!

Chris went back to the USA for a week and on his return I went to The Algarve region in Southern Portugal for five days of Yoga. I had never been to Portugal and was surprised by Portugal and the simplicity of life there. The beauty in the rugged cliff lines, great beaches and freezing cold cleansing waters of the Atlantic. And to think I was just a few hours in a ferry from Morocco - I could have kept going...but alas Chris had to return to the USA!
Whilst I was away Chris took the Girls to the Babelsberg Film Park, our local version of a movie world, and for a day trip to Dresden, which they all, Lucy, Ada and Lizzie included, loved.

After one more week in the USA, including a side trip to Boston this time, Chris returned and our life started to appear almost 'normal' again. Well... if normal now means getting in the car and driving just four hours to Prague for the weekend!

It had been six years since Chris and I had been to Prague and I was certainly surprised by how busy it had become. No problem getting a meal or accommodation but viewing the clock in Wenceslas Square on a Sunday Night or going to the Castle on a Sunday morning were popular with everyone in town. We also got to experience the exuberance of the locals when their beloved Ice Hockey team beat the Russians. Lots of excitement!
So now we really do settle for a few weeks as we plan a small trip to Italy to see our friends Maree, James, Oliver and Oscar who are travelling from Australia, and meet up with Brett and Barbara from the UK too. It will be fun to see friends in Praiano on the Amalfi, eat pizzas, drink chianti and taste the full range of gelati on offer. Then a few days in Rome...maybe.

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