
Showing posts from October, 2015


The spires of the towers of the Kremlin Walls It was the Eid in the Middle East, which is the most important holy day in the Islamic calander.  This gave us an extra long weekend to get out and do something.  Unfortunately, accommodation was expensive locally and the temperature here still a little high for camping so we looked further afield. St Basils at sunset. Fortunately we able to secure some cheap flights to Moscow,  a city that Kate and I had long wanted to visit.  Moscow had been one of the world's most expensive cities but since the collapse in the value of the Rouble everything was suddenly more affordable. Affordability aside, there was still some bueauracy to get through.  The visa application was detailed and expensive and at times we reached a point of questioning our decision to go.  It was certainly not made easy.  Still, we persevered and, after much effort from Kate, we obtained our visas. Red Square