
Showing posts from May, 2012


It was a pleasant surprise when I discovered that I had a work conference in Paris in the first week in April.  It seems that after moving to India from Germany that we spend most of our holidays in France. This holiday was slightly different as Lucy has decided that we are not “cool” travel companions so she packed her bags to visit her Aunty Anne and her nephews in Sydney. Kate, Ada and I had the good fortune to be invited to a to the country house of a French friend, Geraud.  His family holiday house is in the Central Massif, the volcanic region in the centre of France which is as remote as it gets in France.  The region has some small ski fields, although it was the very end of ski season, and is primarily known for agriculture, in particular the cheese and cured meats which we sampled at every opportunity. LaBro the small Castle overlooking Chastreix Ada in her element...mother nature and buying freshly made french pastries! and walking in the local fores