
Showing posts from December, 2010


Dear Friends, by now many of you now that just after all the excitement of Amsterdam and a stunning Berlin/Potsdam Autumnal season we took a trip to Mumbai in India. Chris has a work opportunity there and we thought we had better all go and look, see and smell for ourselves what a life in India might be like. Well with that trip and plenty of soul searching we have decided to move to India. You know we love an adventure and the week there showed us that India will be that. Not the four or five star kind we have become used to in Europe of course, but an adventure none the less. Of late, we have had sleepover parties for Lucy, lots of friends here for Ada's 6th birthday and also celebrated my birthday with duck feeding, sledding and hot chocolate. So now we are travelling head first into Christmas. We have Grace, my cousins now 18 year old daughter with us, Kimlie and Dan and Scarlett and Reilly, our friends from Singapore and a goose and a turkey ready for the ove